On my weekly foray through the various web newsites, blogs, and occasional entertainment links (such as
PostSecret, which I highly recommend) I have made a point of regularly visiting Jeff Foust's blog,
Space Politics so I can keep abreast of the goings-on in my old neighborhood (Washington DC) as it pertains to space development.
Sadly, while the articles/columns are still quite informative and well-written (and yes, Robin, the format is more pleasing than a black-background blog, but hey, i'm trying to maintain a space theme here...) it appears that the curse of the space angst has finally hit Jeff's blog.
Let us remember briefly just another one of the oh so many other fora that have since disappeared into the dustbin of space history in the 10+ short years that the WWW has been around...
The Space Arena Board - RIP 2005
What is it that killed this board? Apathy?
Well, eventually, yes.
But first, it began with the sniping and then the personal attacks. Who can forget the ever entertaining debates between the self-appointed geniuses of the alt.space "community", who managed to make virtually every thread devolve into a back and forth of name-calling and ad hominem attacks. The use of anonymity often accompanied the postings of these gems of our sector, and it was often the case that the worst offences came from those who were too afraid to post under their own names.
So, it is with sadness i have noticed the increasing use of clever (or not) anonymous handles for comments posted on Jeff's blog, and the corresponding increase in partisan and childish comments as well.