Electrons 1 : Atoms 0

The Space Cynics have officially opened the Cynics Lounge in Second Life!
So come down, bring your favourite beverage, grab a lounge chair on the rooftop, and watch the virtual rockets being tested in the sand box.
In the future, we'll be having chat sessions at the Lounge for those who want to challenge our positions, ask us questions, or just hang out and discuss whatever comes to mind.
Major kudos to Robin Snelson for helping a Second Life newbie (me) get us started there!
p.s. - we're looking for good furniture and fixtures, so any donations are appreciated
p.p.s. - and for those who've never seen it, I recommend a quick trip to First Life
Stopping off at First Life might be too brutal for some. It could be world changing for them. I suggest a permanent stay in the virtual world. Everything works there, no problems, and Global Warming can be whatever you want it to be.
Professor L.
Come on Cynics. Second Life is just an extension of First Life, another way to communicate and relate to other real live human beings.
It's certainly not a perfect world Professor L. Everything doesn't always work and there are plenty of problems... in fact it's a struggle that reminds me of making or even reading a web page about 10 years ago.
It's an interesting frontier in its infancy that early-adopter geeks can't resist -- guess that's why you guys are signed up.
It's certainly not a perfect world Professor L. Everything doesn't always work and there are plenty of problems... in fact it's a struggle that reminds me of making or even reading a web page about 10 years ago.
It's an interesting frontier in its infancy that early-adopter geeks can't resist -- guess that's why you guys are signed up.
This Cynic thinks it's actually a pretty cool place, FYI. In fact, it IS an extension of the new frontier, which opened up at just the time the High Frontier was starting to get it's momentum in the early 1990s - and then fizzled when tens of billions of investment dollars went to the much more accessible and potentially profitable new frontier which could be accessed by the modern day equivalent of a mule and shovel: a PC and a modem.
I think that Second Life will only drive another nail into the coffin of public interest in Outer Space (as a frontier to develop).
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